Bandicam 4.1.4 Full Keygen
Juli 19, 2018
Free Download Bandicam 4.1.4 Full Version with Keygen - Bandicam yaitu sebuah Software perekam Video yang sudah tidak gila lagi bagi kalian yang sangaat suka sekali merekam/screenshot Tampilan Dekstop kalian. Nah gres - gres ini Software Bandicam meluncurkan Versi anyaran mereka yang diberi judul Bandicam 4.1.4 yang tentunya ada penambahan Fitur juga fix Bugs - bugs yang ada. Bandicam 4.1.4 Full Version ini selain ringan digunakan, terdapat juga keunggulan tersendiri dibandingkan Software Perekam layar lainnya, yakni pada Bandicam 4.1.4 Full ini kalian sanggup juga melaksanakan Live streaming yang pribadi sanggup terhubung ke akun social manapun.
- Select the desired area of screen and record.
- Allows real-time drawings during recording.
- You can add yourself to the recording video.
- Enables you to mix your own voice in the video.
- You can add custom titles and your channel logo.
- Add mouse click effects and animation from the library.
- Make your output file HD quality like Mp4 or 4K.
- Now you can add a logo to the images.
- Added ability to set the quality of JPEGs.
- Webcam Preview or its interface has improved.
- Now supports HDYC colorspace in device mode.
- The layout has modified and now it is modern and easy to use.
- Many other bugs have also fixed.
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222 Mb