Download League Of Angels-Paradise Land Apk

Paradise Land yaitu sebuah Game MMORPG yang gres saja dirilis oleh GTarcade Download League of Angels-Paradise Land APK
Free Download League of Angels-Paradise Land APK - League of Angels-Paradise Land yaitu sebuah Game MMORPG yang gres saja dirilis oleh GTarcade. League of Angels-Paradise Land Apk ini mempunyai tampilan Grafis yang sangat memukau ditambah dengan Gameplay menarik yang menciptakan Game ini laku dipasarn Games Android. Nah League of Angels-Paradise Land for Android ini kalian sanggup menentukan aneka macam pahlawan yang ingin anda gunakan ditambah juga skin - skin yang menciptakan Hero anda semakin keren juga semakin bertambah kuat. Selain itu League of Angels-Paradise Land v1.6.2.15 APK ini juga menyguhkan Mode 3V3 yang dimana kaian akan melawan Player lain untuk memperebutkan siapa paling berpengaruh pada Game League of Angels-Paradise Land ini.

Paradise Land yaitu sebuah Game MMORPG yang gres saja dirilis oleh GTarcade Download League of Angels-Paradise Land APK
Paradise Land yaitu sebuah Game MMORPG yang gres saja dirilis oleh GTarcade Download League of Angels-Paradise Land APK

Game Features:

Superb Visual Presentation:
  • Stunning combat effects
  • Dynamic 3D scenery
  • Exquisite character art and design
Engaging Strategy:
  • Epic Battles: Recruit Heroes and strategically build your team to defeat the forces of evil
  • Innovative Dual Resource combat system adds another layer of strategy
Multiple Progression Methods:

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  • Recruit Heroes, Augment and Ascend their power, learn and upgrade powerful Skills, and build your ultimate team
  • Thousands of Hero Equipment to find; Upgrade, Refine, and even Awaken them to unlock their true potential
  • Imbue your Heroes with new powers using the mystical Magistones
  • Hero Blessing allows all your Heroes add to your strength
Wide Variety of Gameplay:
  • Honor Trial: Dungeon-crawling game mode based on the Roguelike genre
  • Labyrinth: Explore the darkest depths, find hidden treasures, and confront epic Bosses!
  • Arena: Battle players around the world, use strategy to conquer your rivals
  • Guilds: Create or join Guilds with hundreds of players, strive towards common goals

What's New:

  1. New legendary Companion: Ivy
  2. *Entry Skill: Bind front row enemy units for 2 turns. Reduce CRIT on back row enemy units for 2 rounds.
  3. *Battle Turn Skill: Attack front row enemy units, reduce their BLK for 2 rounds, and cause Stun for 1 round (6 Star effect). Can only be triggered once every 2 rounds.
  4. New Exalted Relic - Wall of Glory
  5. Added Blitz feature to Labyrinth
  6. Added new stats to Relics
  7. *Added Ultimate DMG bonus to Adventure Relics

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